What's in that bottle?

Most home cleaning chemicals are smelly, harsh, toxic, corrosive, and not even remotely biodegradable. Half of them are dangerous, fatal if swallowed, poisonous, and downright deadly if mixed incorrectly. Take a look at the cleaning chemicals you use in your home and see how many carry poison warning labels.

The average household may store up to 20 different cleaning chemicals under the kitchen sink. These products often contain chlorine, such as bleach, which is effective but can also be extremely harmful. Negative effects of using these chemicals include irritations, severe burns if ingested, watery eyes, nasal congestion, and strong allergic reactions.

Toilet Bowl Chemicals

Some chemicals used are highly toxic and can cause serious harm. For instance, hydrochloric acid (HCl) can burn the skin and eyes and damage the kidneys and liver. Similarly, hypochlorite bleach is corrosive to the eyes, skin, and lungs. These chemicals can cause vomiting, and if inhaled, they can lead to pulmonary edema.

It is important to note that these chemicals are frequently used in small, poorly ventilated rooms that contain toilets, making inhalation almost inevitable.

Drain Cleaners

Chemical drain cleaners are hazardous products that can cause severe harm to humans. They contain caustic soda, which can burn skin, eyes, oesophagus, and stomach if ingested. They also include hydrochloric acid (HCl), a corrosive irritant that can damage vital organs such as kidneys, liver, and digestive tract. In addition, some cleaners may contain trichloroethane (C2H3Cl3), a nervous system depressant.

Carpet and Upholstery Cleaners

These cleaners often contain harmful chemicals such as Perchloroethylene (C2Cl4), which is a known carcinogen that can damage your liver, kidneys, and nervous system. Ammonium hydroxide (H5NO), another chemical commonly found in cleaning products, can be extremely irritating to your eyes, skin, and respiratory passages.

Window cleaners

Often contain ammonia (NH3), isopropyl alcohol, methanol, and ethanol which are all volatile solvents that can cause harm to your skin, respiratory system, and eyes.

Oven Cleaner

Oven cleaner contains sodium hydroxide (HNaC), which is highly corrosive and can penetrate the top layer of your skin. Inhaling the fumes can cause serious damage to your lungs. Additionally, the cleaner contains benzene (C6H6), toluene (C6H5CH3), methanol (CH4O) and ethyl benzene (C8H10), all of which are known carcinogens. Even after wiping the oven, the residue can release toxic fumes into your kitchen the next time you use it. The chemicals can also affect the taste of your food. It's important to consider the potential health risks before using oven cleaner to clean your oven.

Air fresheners

These products can have harmful effects on your health. They can leave an oily film in your sinuses which can impair your ability to smell. Furthermore, they release chemicals that can cause allergic reactions, joint and chest pain, depression, fatigue, dizziness, and immune dysfunction.

Switch to Blue Steam and Save

Consider the amount of money you spend each week on cleaning products such as chemicals, mops, buckets, gloves, brushes, nylon bags, sponges, and wipes. The total cost can add up to a significant amount. However, you can cut down your expenses by switching to Blue Steam. This solution allows for chemical-free cleaning at home, and all you need to do is add tap water.

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