The EV Blue Steam Technology

Our cutting-edge eco-cleaning systems have been developed through extensive research and years of experience. With our technology, you can clean and sanitize all surfaces using just tap water. Our system transforms tap water into pure, high-quality dry steam with only up to 5% humidity, known as Blue Steam. This powerful technology effectively removes contaminants and stubborn dirt quickly, without the need for physical effort, scrubbing, or causing damage to surfaces. Cleaning with Blue Steam is a completely natural and environmentally friendly deep cleaning method. It removes even the toughest dirt deposits without using harsh detergents, while the hot pressurised steam eliminates contaminants swiftly and easily. The high temperature instantly kills most forms of microorganisms.

Consistent Steam (Automatic Refill)

EV Blue Steam cleaners are equipped with two water chambers: a pressurised boiler tank and a non-pressurised water tank. An electronic level sensor automatically refills the boiler with water from the water tank, preven>ng drops in pressure and temperature during use.
The benefits of this design is that you are able to refill the water while the unit is still running again avoiding the loss of pressure and temperature during continued use.

Hot water ejection (Advanced Technology)

When it comes to cleaning specific surfaces, the use of water and steam is essential. However, drawing water directly from the pressurised steam boiler can lead to temperature and pressure drops, ultimately impacting the unit's performance. To tackle this challenge, we have integrated an additional water pump that draws water from the non-pressurised water tank. This innovative solution ensures that the steam quality, pressure, and temperature remain consistent even after 10 minutes of utilising the water ejection function.

Steam Output

The EV Blue Steam cleaners are unmatched in steam output, releasing 110 grams of steam per minute or 6.6 kilograms per hour. This is 40% to 90% more steam than other steam cleaners on the market, giving you powerful cleaning ability. The superior steam power is thanks to the impressive capacity of the boilers in EV Blue Steam cleaners.


The units can uphold a steady pressure for two to three minutes of continuous operation without any fluctuations. During this initial period, the pressure decreases but remains consistently between 4 bars (58 Psi) and 5 bars (72.5 Psi), as illustrated in the graphic. Continuous operation refers to constantly pressing on the steam trigger.

Steam Quality

All EV Blue Steam cleaners release saturated pure dry steam, with a temperature of 155 to 190 degrees Celsius,5 bars (79.7 Psi) to 10 bars (145 Psi) of pressure depending on the model, and moisture as low as 3% to 5%. They offer versatile cleaning capabilities and outstanding results.

Saturated dry steam, a term you might not be familiar with, is a specific state of steam where there is no liquid water present. This state is found at the border between saturated and superheated steam.

Steam with the specific parameters of EV Blue Steam cleaners possesses a strong sanitising power. It effectively eliminates microorganisms and bacteria through thermal shock, all without causing any damage to the surface being cleaned.

How is steam classified?

Steam cleaning capabilities depend on the temperature, the amount of steam output, and the amount of humidity present in the water.

  • From 100 to 130 degrees Celsius - grey steam or steam with high humidity content (up to 80%)
  • From 130 to 150 degrees Celsius - white steam or steam with a predominant humidity content (between 50% and 20%)
  • From 150 to 180 degrees Celsius - blue steam (or dry steam) with a minimum humidity content (≤ 5%)
With temperatures ranging from 155 °C to 190 °C, EV Blue Steam cleaners produce hot, dry steam, offering cleaning benefits such as:
Dissolving fat
Bacteria eradication
Odour neutralisation

Steam Dome

The steam quality hinges on the boiler's shape. EV ATLANTIS and EV IRIS feature specially designed dome boilers, unlike the common rectangular or flat-top boilers found in other steam cleaners. These dome boilers can store a large amount of dry steam, readily available for use. Drawing steam from the top part of the boiler, where water cannot be retained due to the dome shape, eliminates the possibility of water spraying from the steam nozzle during operation.

100% Heating Efficiency – From Top to Bottom

The cutting-edge heating elements are crafted from high-performance Incoloy 800, a material engineered for extreme heat resistance up to 750 degrees Celsius. Even with prolonged use, it remains durable without brittleness. Each boiler boasts a specially designed high-efficiency heating element for swift activation. The spiral design and complete surface coverage of the EV Blue Steam cleaners maximise heating efficiency, allowing for minimal electricity consumption at 1650W/2000W.

Four Safety Systems

Pressure switch

Electromechanical components are configured to deactivate the heating elements once a specific pressure is achieved.


If the temperature exceeds the allowed limit, the thermostat will shut off the heating elements.

Safety valve

When the pressure in the boiler exceeds a safe level, it releases excess steam.

Thermo fuse

If the temperature exceeds 220 degrees Celsius, the units will automatically switch off due to the thermo fuse.

Quality Control Assured

Each component and the entire assembly process, along with the finished units, undergo rigorous quality control during the construction and assembly processes. Prior to packaging, EV Blue Steam cleaners undergo three final quality control tests.

Step 1:

Inline test

Performance testing of individual parts and all pipe and electrical connections during production and assembly.

Step 2:

End of production test

Evaluating general machine performance and safety parameters in accordance with international standards.

Step 3:

Thermal shock test

The assembled and tested unit is allowed to cool down to room temperature, after which it is retested for 1 hour of non-stop work. 80% of our production undergoes thermal shock testing. Additionally, all boilers are subjected to a durability test to ensure their safety and strength.

As a result, faulty start-ups have been reduced to 1%, compared to other brands, which often have 15% to 25% faulty start-ups.

Our patented Bi-solenoid valve

Our EV Blue Steam cleaners stand out from the competition because they are equipped with a patented bi-solenoid valve. This special valve allows for steam adjustment in 3 different levels, thanks to a floating piston that regulates the force and flow of the steam against the fixed core. In addition, the central joint allows for easy removal of limescale from the valve's interior, reducing the risk of damage. This technology is unique to EV Blue Steam cleaners and is not found in our competitors' standard electromagnetic valves.

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